Results for 'D. Vincent Riordan'

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  1.  35
    The Scapegoat Mechanism in Human Evolution: An Analysis of René Girard’s Hypothesis on the Process of Hominization.D. Vincent Riordan - 2021 - Biological Theory 16 (4):242-256.
    According to anthropological philosopher René Girard, an important human adaptation is our propensity to victimize or scapegoat. He argued that other traits upon which human sociality depends would have destabilized primate dominance-based social hierarchies, making conspecific conflict a limiting factor in hominin evolution. He surmised that a novel mechanism for inhibiting intragroup conflict must have emerged contemporaneously with our social traits, and speculated that this was the tendency to spontaneously unite around the victimization of single individuals. He described an unconscious (...)
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    The Stones That the Builders Rejected: The Scapegoat Mechanism and Evolutionary Psychiatry.D. Vincent Riordan - 2020 - Contagion: Journal of Violence, Mimesis, and Culture 27 (1):59-79.
    Mental illness is difficult to reconcile with the Darwinian theory of natural selection. Major psychiatric conditions, such as psychosis and suicidality, often occur in young adults and impair reproductive potential, yet they also appear to be genetically mediated.1 The challenge for evolutionary psychiatry has been to explain not only how such seemingly disadvantageous genes have evaded natural selection, but also how the widespread vulnerability to such conditions ever became established in the human genome in the first place.2In Things Hidden Since (...)
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    Hope Based on Truth.D. Vincent Twomey - 2003 - The Chesterton Review 29 (1/2):283-285.
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  4. Moral renewal through renewed moral reasoning.D. Vincent Twomey - 2009 - In Enda McDonagh & Vincent MacNamara, An Irish reader in moral theology: the legacy of the last fifty years. Dublin: Columba Press.
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  5. Thomas more's great matter : Conscience.D. Vincent Twomey - 2009 - In Enda McDonagh & Vincent MacNamara, An Irish reader in moral theology: the legacy of the last fifty years. Dublin: Columba Press.
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    Social norms, mentalising, and common knowledge, in making peace and war.Vincent Riordan - 2024 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 47:e23.
    The emergence of social norms would have been dependent on the evolution of the cognitive capacity for mentalising to multiple orders of intentionality. Common knowledge is a related phenomenon that can solve coordination problems. That the same cognitive and social mechanisms should facilitate both peace and war is resonant with Girard's scapegoat hypothesis on the relationship between violence and religion.
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    Corporate Image: Employee Reactions and Implications for Managing Corporate Social Performance. [REVIEW]Christine M. Riordan, Robert D. Gatewood & Jodi Barnes Bill - 1997 - Journal of Business Ethics 16 (4):401 - 412.
    Corporate image is a function of organizational signals which determine the perceptions of various stakeholders regarding the actions of an organization. Because of its relationship to the actions of an organization, image has been studied as an indicator of the social performance of the organization. Recent research has determined that social performance has direct effects on the behaviors and attitudes of the organization's employees. To better understand these effects, this study develops and empirically tests a model which links corporate leaders' (...)
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  8. Corporate image: Employee reactions and implications for managing corporate social performance. [REVIEW]Christine M. Riordan, Robert D. Gatewood & JodiBarnes Bill - 1997 - Journal of Business Ethics 16 (4):401-412.
    Corporate image is a function of organizational signals which determine the perceptions of various stakeholders regarding the actions of an organization. Because of its relationship to the actions of an organization, image has been studied as an indicator of the social performance of the organization. Recent research has determined that social performance has direct effects on the behaviors and attitudes of the organization's employees. To better understand these effects, this study develops and empirically tests a model which links corporate leaders' (...)
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  9. What is wrong with global challenges?D. Ludwig, Vincent Blok, M. Garnier, P. McNaghten & A. Pols - 2021 - Journal of Responsible Innovation 1.
    Global challenges such as climate change, food security, or public health have become dominant concerns in research and innovation policy. This article examines how responses to these challenges are addressed by governance actors. We argue that appeals to global challenges can give rise to a ‘solution strategy' that presents responses of dominant actors as solutions and a ‘negotiation strategy' that highlights the availability of heterogeneous and often conflicting responses. On the basis of interviews and document analyses, the study identifies both (...)
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  10.  19
    Institution Building in Weak States: The Primacy of Local Politics. By Andrew Radin. Washington, D.C.: Georgetown University Press, 2020. Pp. xv, 280. $119.95 (HB), $39.95 (PB). [REVIEW]Patrick Riordan - 2022 - Heythrop Journal 63 (1):149-150.
    The Heythrop Journal, Volume 63, Issue 1, Page 149-150, January 2022.
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    Knowing the Natural Law: From Precepts and Inclinations to Deriving Oughts. By Steven J. Jensen. Pp. 238, Washington, D.C., Catholic University of America Press, 2015, $34.95. [REVIEW]Patrick Riordan - 2020 - Heythrop Journal 61 (2):371-372.
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    Knowing the Natural Law: From Precepts and Inclinations to Deriving Oughts. By Steven J.Jensen. Washington, D.C., Catholic University of America Press, 2015. Pp. 238, $34.95. [REVIEW]Patrick Riordan - 2021 - Heythrop Journal 62 (3):607-608.
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    The Future of Ethics: Sustainability, Social Justice, and Religious Creativity. By Willis Jenkins. Pp. viii, 340, Washington, D.C., Georgetown University Press, 2013, $26.50. [REVIEW]Patrick Riordan - 2015 - Heythrop Journal 56 (5):901-902.
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    The Elaborated Environmental Stress Hypothesis as a Framework for Understanding the Association Between Motor Skills and Internalizing Problems: A Mini-Review.Vincent O. Mancini, Daniela Rigoli, John Cairney, Lynne D. Roberts & Jan P. Piek - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
  15. The Relationship between Motor Skills, Perceived Social Support, and Internalizing Problems in a Community Adolescent Sample.Vincent O. Mancini, Daniela Rigoli, Brody Heritage, Lynne D. Roberts & Jan P. Piek - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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  16. v. 5. Bergson et la politique : de Jaurès à aujourd'hui.D. Amalric & préface de Vincent Peillon - 2002 - In Renaud Barbaras, Annales bergsoniennes. Paris: Presses universitaires de France.
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    Illustrations for the Review.Vincent D'Monte - 1993 - The Chesterton Review 19 (3):439-439.
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    Private Associations in the Ancient Greek World: Regulations and the Creation of Group Identity.Vincent Gabrielsen & Mario C. D. Paganini (eds.) - 2021 - Cambridge University Press.
    Private associations abounded in the ancient Greek world and beyond, and this volume provides the first large-scale study of the strategies of governance which they employed. Emphasis is placed on the values fostered by the regulations of associations, the complexities of the private-public divide and the dynamics of regional and global networks and group identity. The attested links between rules and religious sanctions also illuminate the relationship between legal history and religion. Moreover, possible links between ancient associations and the early (...)
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    Differences in Biases and Compensatory Strategies Across Discipline, Rank, and Gender Among University Academics.Vincent Giorgini, Carter Gibson, Jensen T. Mecca, Kelsey E. Medeiros, Michael D. Mumford, Shane Connelly & Lynn D. Devenport - 2015 - Science and Engineering Ethics 21 (6):1551-1579.
    The study of ethical behavior and ethical decision making is of increasing importance in many fields, and there is a growing literature addressing the issue. However, research examining differences in ethical decision making across fields and levels of experience is limited. In the present study, biases that undermine ethical decision making and compensatory strategies that may aid ethical decision making were identified in a series of interviews with 63 faculty members across six academic fields and three levels of rank as (...)
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    To the editor: Inequality processes, solutions, and methodological approaches.Vincent J. Roscigno & Cynthia D. Anderson - 1995 - Gender and Society 9 (5):640-642.
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    Behavioral and neuro-endocrine influences in homeostasis.J. D. Vincent - 1979 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 2 (1):122-122.
  22.  22
    Cancer: Towards a general theory of the target.Mark D. Vincent - 2017 - Bioessays 39 (9):1700059.
    General theories are reductionist explications of apparently independent facts. Here, in reviewing the literature, I develop a GT to simplify the cluttered landscape of cancer therapy targets by revealing they cluster parsimoniously according to only a few underlying principles. The first principle is that targets can be only exploited by either or both of two fundamentally different approaches: causality-inhibition, and ‘acausal’ recognition of some marker or signature. Nonetheless, each approach must achieve both of two separate goals, efficacy and selectivity ; (...)
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  23. Christian vision of marriage in the new-testament and traditions.D. Vincent - 1986 - Journal of Dharma 11 (3):278-286.
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    The paradoxes of confirmation.D. H. Vincent - 1964 - Mind 73 (290):273-279.
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  25. Integrating Clinical Staging and Phenomenological Psychopathology to Add Depth, Nuance, and Utility to Clinical Phenotyping: A Heuristic Challenge.Barnaby Nelson, Patrick D. McGorry & Anthony Vincent Fernandez - 2021 - The Lancet Psychiatry 8 (2):162-168.
    Psychiatry has witnessed a new wave of approaches to clinical phenotyping and the study of psychopathology, including the National Institute of Mental Health’s Research Domain Criteria, clinical staging, network approaches, the Hierarchical Taxonomy of Psychopathology, and the general psychopathology factor, as well as a revival of interest in phenomenological psychopathology. The question naturally emerges as to what the relationship between these new approaches is – are they mutually exclusive, competing approaches, or can they be integrated in some way and used (...)
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    Developing a living lab in ethics: Initial issues and observations.Eric Racine, Bénédicte D'Anjou, Clara Dallaire, Vincent Dumez, Caroline Favron-Godbout, Anne Hudon, Marjorie Montreuil, Catherine Olivier, Ariane Quintal & Vanessa Chenel - 2024 - Bioethics 38 (2):153-163.
    Living labs are interdisciplinary and participatory initiatives aimed at bringing research closer to practice by involving stakeholders in all stages of research. Living labs align with the principles of participatory research methods as well as recent insights about how participatory ways of generating knowledge help to change practices in concrete settings with respect to specific problems. The participatory, open, and discussion‐oriented nature of living labs could be ideally suited to accompany ethical reflection and changes ensuing from reflection. To our knowledge, (...)
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  27.  33
    Backward masking and interference with the processing of brief visual displays.Vincent Di Lollo, D. G. Lowe & J. P. Scott - 1974 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 103 (5):934.
  28.  10
    Les vertiges de la technoscience: façonner le monde atome par atome.Bernadette Bensaude-Vincent - 2009 - Paris: La Découverte.
    " Façonner le monde atome par atome " : tel est l'objectif incroyablement ambitieux affiché par les promoteurs américains de la " National Nanoinitiative ", lancée en 1999. Un projet global de " convergence des sciences ", visant à " initier une nouvelle Renaissance, incorporant une conception holiste de la technologie fondée sur [..] une analyse causale du monde physique, unifiée depuis l'échelle nano jusqu'à l'échelle planétaire. " Ce projet démiurgique est aujourd'hui au coeur de ce qu'on appelle la " (...)
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  29.  17
    Lavoisier: Memoires d'une Revolution.B. Bensaude-Vincent & M. Crosland - 1995 - Annals of Science 52 (1):86-86.
  30.  7
    Matière à penser : Essais d’histoire et de philosophie de la chimie.Bernadette Bensaude-Vincent - 2008 - Saint-Cloud: Presses universitaires de Paris Ouest.
    La chimie est délaissée des philosophes et historiens des sciences. Cette discipline ne serait-elle pas bonne à penser? Qu’est-ce que ce silence, ce mépris ou cette méconnaissance nous enseignent sur le régime du savoir en chimie? Inversement, la chimie méprisée, méconnue ou simplement ignorée ne signalerait-elle pas les travers des philosophes et les limites de leur pouvoir de conceptualiser et de penser? Cet ouvrage donne un aperçu de la complexité de ces questions en adoptant un point de vue symétrique où (...)
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  31.  7
    Naissances d'images: l'image dans l'image, des enluminures à la société des écrans.Vincent Amiel - 2018 - Paris: Klincksieck.
    Qu'y a-t-il de commun entre un manuscrit medieval, Les Menines de Velazquez, le Cameraman de Buster Keaton et On connait la chanson d'Alain Resnais? Reponse : la presence d'images inattendues, " enchassees ", telles une porte ouverte au fond de la piece dans le tableau du maitre espagnol, la queue d'un faisan pris au piege debordant largement du cadre d'une enluminure du XIVe siecle, la presence incongrue d'un navire de guerre dans les rues de New York chez Buster Keaton, des (...)
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  32.  14
    Exercices d'humanité.Vincent Descombes - 2013 - Paris: Les Petits platons. Edited by Philippe de Lara.
    Lauréat du Grand Prix de Philosophie de l'Académie française, Vincent Descombes est aujourd'hui Directeur d'études à l'EHESS et membre du Centre de recherches politiques Raymond Aron. Il est l'un des rares philosophes français à s'inscrire dans le courant de la philosophie analytique, mouvement qui place la question du langage au centre de sa réflexion. Que savoir? Comment dire? Telles sont les questions que n'aura de cesse de poser le philosophe analytique. Ces entretiens avec Philippe de Lara, maître de conférences (...)
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    Wild Bodies Don't Need to Perceive, Detect, Capture, or Create Meaning: They ARE Meaning.J. Scott Jordan, Vincent T. Cialdella, Alex Dayer, Matthew D. Langley & Zachery Stillman - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
  34. Le complément de sujet. Enquête sur le fait d'agir de soimême, coll. « Les Essais ».Vincent Descombes - 2004 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 194 (4):469-472.
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    The Struggle to Constitute and Sustain Productive Orders: Vincent Ostrom's Quest to Understand Human Affairs.Stephan Kuhnert, Brian Loveman, Anas Malik, Michael D. McGinnis, Tun Myint, Vincent Ostrom, Filippo Sabetti & Jamie Thomson (eds.) - 2008 - Lexington Books.
    This book identifies the criteria for successful constitutions in both theory and practice using the research and methodology of Vincent Ostrom.
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  36. Somme contre les Gentils. Livre sur la vérité de la foi catholique contre les erreurs des infidèles, « GF », 4 vol., (soit : I. Livre I. Dieu, II. Livre II. La Création, III. Livre III. La Providence, IV. Livre IV. La Révélation. [REVIEW]Thomas D'aquin, Vincent Aubin, Cyrille Michon & Denis Moreau - 2002 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 192 (3):374-375.
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    Awareness of Hearing Loss in Older Adults: Results of a Survey Conducted in 500 Subjects Across 5 European Countries as a Basis for an Online Awareness Campaign. [REVIEW]Patrick S. C. D’Haese, Marc De Bodt, Vincent Van Rompaey & Paul Van de Heyning - 2018 - Inquiry: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing 55:004695801875942.
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    Psychopathic traits modulate brain responses to drug cues in incarcerated offenders.Lora M. Cope, Gina M. Vincent, Justin L. Jobelius, Prashanth K. Nyalakanti, Vince D. Calhoun & Kent A. Kiehl - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
  39.  7
    Cioran avant Cioran: histoire d'une transfiguration.Vincent Piednoir - 2013 - [Marseille]: Éditions Gaussen. Edited by E. M. Cioran & Ben Amí Fihman.
    Cet ouvrage propose de retracer le parcours intellectuel et spirituel de l’écrivain roumain d’expression française Emil Cioran (1911-1995). Le texte s’appuie sur une approche biographique pour saisir les enjeux philosophiques et identitaires de la vie et de l’oeuvre de Cioran. Tout d’abord son enfance imprégnée de culture allemande où liberté et insouciance cèdent vite la place à l’ennui ; sa fascination pour les thèses ultra-nationalistes pendant sa jeunesse studieuse et angoissée ; la volonté d’aveuglement que lui inspire ensuite son mépris (...)
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    Steps to a neurochemistry of personality.Andrew D. Lawrence, Matthias J. Koepp, Roger N. Gunn, Vincent J. Cunningham & Paul M. Grasby - 1999 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 22 (3):528-529.
    Depue & Collins's (D&C's) work relies on extrapolation from data obtained through studies in experimental animals, and needs support from studies of the role of dopamine (DA) neurotransmission in human behaviour. Here we review evidence from two sources: (1) studies of patients with Parkinson's disease and (2) positron emission tomography (PET) studies of DA neurotransmission, which we believe lend support to Depue & Collins's theory, and which can potentially form the basis for a true neurochemistry of personality.
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    Des usages pluriels d’un modèle en physique : le cas du modèle d’Ising.Vincent Ardourel & Quentin Rodriguez - 2024 - Cahiers Philosophiques 176 (1):27-44.
    Le modèle d’Ising décrit les interactions locales entre des flèches fixées aux nœuds d’un réseau et orientées vers le haut ou vers le bas. Ce modèle mathématique, très abstrait, mais aussi très simple, est l’un des plus étudiés en physique moderne. Cet article s’intéresse à la nature de ce modèle et à ses fonctions épistémiques. Nous montrons qu’il a d’abord rempli une fonction représentationnelle en tant que « modèle approché » du magnétisme. Ensuite, comme « modèle-jouet » il a permis (...)
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    Les institutions du sens.Vincent Descombes - 1996 - Ed Du Minuit.
    On a souvent considéré qu'une philosophie de l'esprit devait choisir parmi les traits distinctifs du mental celui qu'elle retiendrait pour le mettre en relief. Il ne serait pas possible de faire place dans une même philosophie aux trois faits majeurs : l'intentionnalité du mental (on discerne les pensées de quelqu'un en disant à quoi il pense), le holisme du mental (impossible de concevoir un état d'esprit isolé du tout d'une vie mentale), la part impersonnelle du mental (les acteurs ne manifestent (...)
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  43.  13
    Le monde ou rien: histoire d'un concept géographique.Vincent Capdepuy - 2023 - Lyon: Presses universitaires de Lyon.
    Dans son acception la plus commune, le terme mondialisation s'apparente à un phénomène économique. Mais, en élargissant un peu la focale, on s'aperçoit qu'il correspond aussi au processus par lequel un monde advient, à la mise en monde de l'humanité. Il s'agit alors de s'interroger sur la notion même de 'monde.' D'ailleurs, s'agit-il du Monde ou des mondes? À quelle époque ce mot a-t-il pris les différents sens qu'on lui connaît? Quelles réalités a-t-il recouvertes et comment a-t-il été compris? De (...)
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    Mendeleev's periodic system of chemical elements.Bernadette Bensaude-Vincent - 1986 - British Journal for the History of Science 19 (1):3-17.
    Between 1869 and 1871, D. I. Mendeleev, a teacher at the University at St Petersburg published a textbook of general chemistry intended for his students. The title, Principles of Chemistry was typical for the time: it meant that chemistry was no longer an inquiry on the ultimate principles of matter but had become a science firmly established on a few principles derived from experiment.
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    Grammaire d'objets en tous genres.Vincent Descombes - 1983
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    Disclosure of Research Result to Research Participants: Needs and Attitudes of Adolescents and Parents.Conrad Vincent Fernandez, Shaureen Taweel, Eric D. Kodish & Charles Weijer - unknown
    BACKGROUND: Researchers have a moral responsibility to offer to return research results to participants, but the needs and attitudes of parents and adolescents with cancer in paediatric oncology regarding the issue are relatively unknown.OBJECTIVES: To explore the needs of potential research participants or their guardians with respect to the offer of a return of research results. METHODS: A questionnaire was used in a focus group and in telephone interviews with eight adolescents and 12 parents of children with cancer. The participants (...)
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  47. Medical Technology and Society: An Interdisciplinary Perspective.Joseph D. Bronzino, Vincent H. Smith, Maurice L. Wade & Russell C. Maulitz - 1994 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 16 (3):493.
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    Response force as a function of amount of reinforcement.Vincent Di Lollo, W. D. Ensminger & J. M. Notterman - 1965 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 70 (1):27.
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    Proactive interference in short-term recognition: Trace interaction or competition?Harold L. Hawkins, Vincent J. Pardo & Ronald D. Cox - 1972 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 92 (1):43.
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    Collectivism Is Associated With Greater Neurocognitive Fluency in Older Adults.Luis D. Medina, Melody Sadler, May Yeh, J. Vincent Filoteo, Steven Paul Woods & Paul E. Gilbert - 2019 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13.
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